Why Some Web Designers Are Feeling Forced into Change
Graphic Arts Today Submitted Articles
OCTOBER 4, 2022
In my thoroughly unscientific observation, web designers appear to be frustrated with the state of things. We take a look at why that is.
Graphic Arts Today Submitted Articles
OCTOBER 4, 2022
In my thoroughly unscientific observation, web designers appear to be frustrated with the state of things. We take a look at why that is.
Designer Daily
JANUARY 21, 2022
Any graphic designer, as well as an artist, would tell you that the right tools are the key to successful work. And as for graphic designers , it’s not about a canvas and brushes but powerful software. Specialists were limited to several programs in the past.For instance, nowadays, remote collaboration tools make the work more accessible and combined.
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Just Creative
FEBRUARY 2, 2022
Looking for a affordable Adobe Creative Cloud alternative? We’ve compiled the best Adobe alternatives into one post, including free Adobe CC alternatives. Get 65% Off Adobe Creative Cloud — See our Adobe Creative Cloud discount guide. Get 10 Free Stock Images from Adobe Stock — Royalty-free photos, illustrations and videos. As a well-known creative developer, Adobe’s suite of innovative, industry-standard apps is often preferred by creatives and professionals across the globe.
We And The Color
NOVEMBER 17, 2022
In 2023, these will be some of the best and most popular fonts that graphic designers keep coming back to. Some trends remain popular for years, while others come and go very quickly. The world of typography is no different—there are always new fonts and typefaces being designed, based on current trends. Here at WE AND THE COLOR, we have put together a handpicked selection of the top ten best fonts for use in 2023.
Speaker: Amber Asay, Creative Director and Founder of award-winning design studio Nice People
Understanding what trends are happening and how they’re impacting the competitive landscape is crucial to providing top dollar design strategy to your clients. With so many trends coming and going, it can be overwhelming to determine which ones you should capitalize on and which ones might not be worth the trouble. In this exclusive webinar with Amber Asay, we’ll explore graphic design trends that need to die, trends that are starting to pick up and why, trends that have come and gone, and how t
Spoon Graphics
FEBRUARY 16, 2022
In today’s tutorial I’m going to show you how to create a colourful text effect with several stacked text elements that are progressively spaced further apart and transition through the colour spectrum to produce a rainbow effect. It reminds me of the kind of retro design you might see on an old VHS tape box or an ad for an 80s technology brand.
Inkbot Design
Graphic Design Skills You Need to Start a Career in Design. A graphic designer needs the skills to understand various design processes and tools. They are responsible for working with content to create visual images and layouts. This includes creating print and web designs and user interface designs for websites and mobile apps. In addition, graphic designers must be familiar with typography, illustration, and page layout.
Graphic Arts Today brings together the best content for graphic arts professionals from the widest variety of industry thought leaders.
We And The Color
NOVEMBER 10, 2022
In need of a creative boost? Make sure to check out our top 20 picks for the best graphic design blogs in 2023! We want to make sure that the year 2023 will be full of creativity and inspiration for you! To help keep that motivation high and those ideas flowing, we’ve compiled a list of the twenty best graphic design blogs. From trends to editing skills, these bloggers and graphic designers are sure to give you the great content you deserve. 20.
FEBRUARY 14, 2022
If you’ve ever ran your own site, or simply have a general interest in UX, then you’ve more than likely came across web design patterns before. You might not know what they mean exactly, but you’ve still come across the term, regardless. Web design patterns — otherwise known, or referred to as user interface design patterns — are there to actually help designers when mapping out websites and how they look (the hint is in the name).
Designer Daily
DECEMBER 13, 2022
Source. What makes a good brand? Is it down to your messaging or design? Is it how you engage with your communities? Or is it down to how well you know your audience and can adjust? The secret to branding really might lie in the fact that it is all of these together. All of these rolled into one strategy for brand excellence. So, how do you go about designing a brand identity?
Creative Boom
AUGUST 31, 2022
Eat Whatever You Want by Shenzhen Baixinglong, 2021 Gold Pentawards winner. Speakers at the Pentawards Festival 2022 share their insights into where the discipline is going. Want to know about the latest packaging trends? The good folks behind the Pentawards are the people to ask. Founded in 2007, Pentawards is the leading global platform and community for packaging design.
Advertiser: Issuu
Brands must create and share impactful content to thrive, but they have less people, tighter budgets, and fewer resources to do so. Learn how to publish and market digital content with the same professionalism as organizations with million-dollar budgets.
Creative Boom
Rotonto, created by Supernulla. Design assets are useful to professional designers, but you shouldn't settle for less than the best quality. We recommend Supply Family , and these examples demonstrate why they fit the bill. When you're on a tight deadline and need to work fast, pre-built design assets are an invaluable way to speed up your workflow.
Creative Boom
Image licensed via Adobe Stock. No, you're not imagining it. In 2022, social media increasingly sucks for sharing content and finding work. Creatives share their views on the way forward. Have you noticed how different social media feels at the moment? More ads. More videos. More Stories and Reels. But fewer posts you want to click on. And less engagement on any content you post yourself.
Creative Boom
JULY 21, 2022
Image licensed via Adobe Stock. Happy birthday to us! It's Creative Boom's 13th anniversary this weekend, and to celebrate, we're sharing 13 brilliant tips from our community on creative progress. Where has the time gone? It's now an astonishing 13 years since Creative Boom first launched, back in the heady days of 2009. And we'll be honest; it's been a bumpy ride.
Creative Boom
JULY 11, 2022
© Jeffery C. Becton. Fine art photographer Jeffery C. Becton has enthralled audiences for decades with his digital montages that explore the ambiguities of his mediums and subject matter. Based in Maine, he is currently exhibiting in London for the first time alongside conceptual artist and photographer Andrea Hamilton at AH Studios. Running until 31 August 2022, Between Two Worlds is an evocative showcase of two photographic artists who have a strong connection to the poetics of coastal spaces.
As the design industry evolves, teams are facing new challenges and a need to produce more outstanding creative work than ever. Leaders must learn how to adapt their processes to solve today’s—and tomorrow’s—unique design challenges. In this e-book, you’ll learn how to establish your creative workflow and leverage the power of CorelDRAW® Graphics Suite to streamline the entire design process, from start to finish.
Creative Boom
APRIL 29, 2022
Image licensed via Adobe Stock. Instagram has been a beloved tool to creatives everywhere since its launch in 2010. But recent algorithm changes and a push for more video content have left many artists and designers struggling to enjoy the same likes and reach. If IG has become too exhausting, what marketing alternatives are there? We explore some options.
Creative Boom
APRIL 20, 2022
Smoothie © Helga Stentzel. During a spot of laundry a few years back, London-based Russian-born artist Helga Stentzel got the idea for a unique series featuring clothes on a washing line cleverly staged as different animals. Thus began a viral Instagram account that gained thousands of fans and likes. "I saw a sock on the floor next to some pegs and realised that it looked like a horse's head," she tells Creative Boom.
Creative Boom
MARCH 29, 2022
If you think about the typography trends of recent years, one, in particular, stands out. Big, bold type can be seen everywhere, from billboards to websites, motion design to motion pictures. So it's great to see a new book from Counterprint devoted to this very subject. As you'd expect from its title, Big Type explores graphic design and identity work where the emphasis is on, well, big type.
Creative Boom
MARCH 21, 2022
Image licensed via Adobe Stock. Want to become a graphic designer? In the old days, that would have meant spending three years at university, then moving to a big city and interning at a design agency. All of which would involve a lot of upheavals, long commutes, and cost an absolute fortune. In the 2020s, though, all that's changed. More and more people are studying and working remotely, and Shillington , a global leader in providing short and intensive design courses, is at the forefront of th
In today’s competitive markets, how do you make sure that your content not only stands out but performs well? How can you predict whether certain design choices will result in clicks, engagement, downloads, and other drivers of ROI? Shutterstock’s Creative Insights Report (Q3) is your window into the hottest trends that are transforming the creative world.
Creative Boom
MARCH 17, 2022
After suffering from chronic pain for several years, Hong Kong artist Julie Lai used her creativity as part of her healing process, illustrating pivotal moments from her journey back to health. The resulting series, Chrysalis, is as though she is emerging from a cocoon. Born and raised in Hong Kong, Julie Lai studied Illustration at Falmouth University before returning home after graduation.
Creative Boom
MARCH 23, 2022
© Scotty Gillespie. An illustrator based in South West England, Scotty Gillespie creates work that is bright and optimistic, celebrating inclusivity, playfulness and tenderness and spanning digital illustration, ceramics, animation, and design. It wasn't until a "second attempt" at finishing university in 2019 that Scotty's career began. During his final degree show, a local shop in Plymouth spotted his work and offered him the chance to showcase and sell his work on-site.
Creative Boom
APRIL 18, 2022
Image licensed via Adobe Stock. Portfolio templates have come a long way over the last decade. You can now create a professional website with minimal effort. But the best designs are ones that let your work stand out. They're clean, functional and professional. Here are some of our favourite templates for 2022. We're not dismissing the importance of web design when we talk of portfolio templates.
Creative Boom
APRIL 4, 2022
To create great websites, you need to have a passion. And Denise Foy, owner of De La Foye Design Studio , is quite clear about where her passion lies. It all began when she helped a chef turn an ailing restaurant around by getting it online. As a result, a failing business became a roaring success. Denise thought to herself, "If I can help another business owner succeed, I'd be incredibly honoured.
Speaker: Eden Spivak, Design Expert and Editor at Wix & Nir Horesh, Accessibility Lead and Senior Product Manager at Wix
When we design products or websites for people like ourselves, there are many others who are, as a result, left out. From visually impaired users who rely on assistive technology, to people with a temporary injury such as a broken arm, tech users are forever diverse and beautifully unique. The products we design can, and should, reflect the extremely wide range of human experiences and needs.
Creative Boom
AUGUST 18, 2022
Image licensed via Adobe Stock. If there's one thing for certain in life, it's that we all suffer from the same inner critic. It's part of being human, telling ourselves negative things that are most likely untrue. These voices can hold us back, trample our confidence and stifle creativity. So what to do? We asked our creative community for some advice.
Creative Boom
JUNE 27, 2022
© Patrick Nelson. Patrick Nelson uses paper like a paintbrush to create incredible collage art. He explains how he transitioned from graphic designer to full-time artist and what inspires his work today. Coming from a graphic design background, Patrick Nelson has been a full-time collage artist now for a number of years. He sells his work online, in galleries and through curated shops.
Creative Boom
MAY 8, 2022
Teddy bears working on new AI research underwater with 1990s technology © DALL-E 2. You may have thought your jobs were safe from robots as an artist or creator. Think again. DALL-E 2, a new artificial intelligence application developed by OpenAI is expanding the world's perspective on how creative a machine can be. Have you ever wanted to paint a portrait of your cat in the style of Rembrandt Van Rijn but just didn't have the time?
Creative Boom
FEBRUARY 15, 2022
Internationally renowned photographer Franck Bohbot has revisited his Angels project, which sees him photographing the city of Los Angeles in original and surprising ways. Having previously released photos from 2017, the update contains photographs taken between 2017 and 2021 and includes striking images of the city taken during the pandemic. Released on his Behance page , the updated Angels photographs continue Franck's documentation of a city with conflicting and sometimes polarising preconcep
Speaker: Michele Berdinis
This session will answer business law questions that people are asking most during the pandemic. If my business can’t pay its bills, can my creditors come after my personal assets? Do I have to pay the rent on my co-working space or office? Can my clients cancel signed contracts? Can I cancel contracts for things I no longer need because my business has slowed down?
Creative Boom
JULY 12, 2022
100 Days of Branding, an ongoing side project © Katrina Romulo. Katrina Romulo didn't always know she'd become a designer. Born in the Philippines, she's been based around the Bay Area for the past 18 years; here, she studied at university and attended a student-run class called Intro to Illustrator and Photoshop. Sparking inspiration, Katrina went to UC Berkeley and majored in Sustainable Environment Design.
Creative Boom
MAY 12, 2022
Image licensed via Adobe Stock. It's Mental Health Awareness Week again. A chance to consider our well-being and support others who might be suffering. In that spirit, we thought we'd take a closer look at a common issue for creatives, and that's imposter syndrome. In three easy steps, we'll show you how to beat it while sharing excellent advice from the creative community.
Creative Boom
MAY 10, 2022
Rotterdam-based illustrator Melcher Oosterman has an expert eye for colour, which he uses to create intricate illustrations brimming with wit, character and tragedy. But another important skill in his creative toolkit is an aversion to planning. A self-confessed late bloomer when it came to reading and writing, Melcher was originally drawn to illustrations as a child because they offered him an alternative way to express himself and communicate.
Creative Boom
MARCH 25, 2022
Have you ever heard of football stamps? Well, most people haven't, even those who follow the game. And so Flynn Baynes and Ollie Parker , two third-year graphic design students at Falmouth University, decided to do something about it. "When you think of the graphic design surrounding football, you might think of the kits, badges, mascots and match programmes we're all familiar with," says Flynn.
Speaker: Sean Adams, ArtCenter College of Design
Thomas Edison once said “Vision without execution is hallucination.” This statement applies not just to invention, but to graphic design. One of the greatest strengths of graphic designers is the ability to first develop a concept and then execute it to make it real. From visualization and ideation all the way through to actuation and execution, each step of this process takes skill and expertise.
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